Monday, 25 January 2010

E-Portfolio Reading

Class Ottawa-USask, Jan 30 -

Topic 1-Jan 10th
What are your plans for developing your final portfolio, presentation or performance?
Describe your initial ideas, what you may focus on as meaningful from your M.Ed experience
and perhaps a hint of why.
1 To create and maintain a learning environment that encourages and supports the
growth of the whole student.
2 To demonstrate a professional level of knowledge about the curriculum and the skills
and judgment required to apply this knowledge effectively.
3 To demonstrate and support a repertoire of instructional strategies and methods that
are applied in teaching activities.
4 To carry out professional responsibilities for student assessment and evaluation.
5 To reflect upon the goals and experience of professional practice, and adapt oneʼs
teaching accordingly.
6 To work with colleagues in mutually supportive ways and develop effective
professional relationships with members of the educational community.
7 To conduct all professional relationships in ways that are consistent with principles of equity, fairness and respect for others.
ECUR 801.6 - Principles and Practices of Curriculum Construction
ERES 800.3 - Research Methods: Introductory Level
ECUR 990.0 - Seminar in Curriculum Research
ECUR 992.6 - Project or
ECUR 991.3 – Portfolio
ECUR 994 - Thesis
ECUR 805.3 - Trends and Issues in Educational Research and Development
ECUR 809.3 - Models and Methods for the Evaluation of Educational Programs
ECUR 810.3 - Design and Practice of the Evaluation of Educational Programs
ECUR 819.3 Trends and Issues in Mathematics Education
ECUR 820.3 Introduction to Graduate Studies in Science Education
ECUR 830.3 Research in Teaching and Learning
ECUR 832.3 Practicum in Professional Development
ECUR 843.3 Reading Process and Practice
ECUR 870.3 Literacy Education and Curriculum
ECUR 872.3 Trends and Issues in the Study of Writing
ECUR 888.3 Trends and Issues in Social Studies
ECUR 898.3 or ECUR 899.6 Individual Reading Courses in Curriculum
ERES 845.3 Qualitative Research
ERES 840.3 Quantitative Research
Required courses for the MEd degree in Educational Technology and Communication:
ECMM 802.6 - Historical and Theoretical Foundations of Educational Technology
ERES 800.3 - Research Methods: Introductory Level
ECUR 990.0 - Seminar in Curriculum Research
Elective courses for the MEd degree in Educational Technology and Communication:
ECMM 803.3 - Principles and Practices of Designing Multimedia Resources
ECMM 804.3 - Distance Education
ECMM 873.3 - Principles and Practices of Instructional Design
ECMM 874.3 - Advanced Approaches to Instructional Design
ECMM 876.3 - Organization and Administration in Educational Technology
ECMM 877.3 - Advanced Video Production in Education
ECMM 879.6 - Television in Education
University of Saskatchewan: Department of Curriculum
Studies - ECUR 991.3

Scholarship in Teaching
Course Description
Students will demonstrate their scholarship in teaching through developing a collection of academic and professional work. The work may be represented through a variety of media, such as portfolios (including electronic portfolios), multi-media presentations, and professional development initiatives.
This course will be a culmination of students’ research into professional knowledge and identity undertaken throughout the MEd degree within a transformative and reflective learning culture.
Course Objectives
• To analyze, synthesize and evaluate teaching scholarship through growth in
understanding educational theory.
• To demonstrate academic and professional competence in their chosen field of
curriculum studies or educational communication and technology.
• To reflect on teaching and learning philosophy.
• To demonstrate awareness of the ethical nature and practice of professional work and research.
Teaching methodologies
Since students in this course are likely to be studying part-time, a variety of distance approaches (online discussion boards, video/podcast) as well as face-to-face meetings, will be used.
Academic Honesty
Students are expected to follow the University of Saskatchewan’s guidelines on academic honesty detailed at
Honesty and integrity are expected in class participation, examinations, assignments, and other academic work. Perform your own work unless specifically instructed otherwise. Follow examination rules. Discuss with your professor if you are using the same material for assignments in two different courses. Use the same standard of honesty with fellow students, lab instructors, teaching assistants, sessional instructors and administrative staff as you do with faculty.
Course Activities and Topics
As they build their portfolios, students may:
• Identify major trends in curriculum theory, and major trends in their own specific
areas of interest, then identify how their understanding of curriculum has evolved
through participation in their MEd courses.
• Decide on the final form of their Scholarship in Teaching portfolio and presentation.
• Reflect on teaching practice. Through examples from their own and others’
experiences, students will describe ways in which they can influence practice in
different educational settings, as well as identify ways in which they can best
represent their skills, challenges and changes.
• Take a problem-solving approach to evaluating practice and to curriculum
• Reflect on issues of diversity, including Aboriginal issues, teaching and learning in multicultural contexts, and working with the full range of student needs.
• Represent learning from their academic and professional growth during the MEd
• Make a presentation to the class or to another academic/professional group.
• Carry out a final interview with a faculty member, based on their portfolio.
• Construct an annotated personal curriculum vitae that demonstrates leadership in
curriculum or educational technology.
• Online discussions and/or in-class presentations: 30%
• Final interview/oral examination 25%
• Portfolio 45%
Student work will be evaluated using the grading system from the College of Graduate Studies
and Research. It is available at

Resources and References
Resources on portfolios and e-portfolios
Anderson, R. S., & DeMeulle, L. (1998). Portfolio use in twenty-four teacher education
programs. Teacher Education Quarterly, 25(1), 23.
Bartell, C. A., Kaye, C., & Morin, J. A. (1998). Teaching portfolios and teacher education.
Teacher Education Quarterly, 25(1), 5.
Barton, J., & Collins, A. (1993). Portfolios in teacher education. Journal Of Teacher Education, vol, 44(3), 200-210.
Berliner, D. (1986). In pursuit of the expert pedagogue. Educational Researcher, 15(7), 5-13.
Biggs, J. (2003). Teaching for quality learning at university: What the student does (2nd ed.).
London: SRHE and Open University Press.
Biggs, J., & Tang, C. (1998). Assessment by portfolio: Constructing learning and designing teaching. In P. Stimpson & P. Morris (Eds.), Curriculum and assessment for Hong Kong: Two components, one system (pp. 443-462). Hong Kong: Open University of
Hing Kong Press.
Borko, H., Michalec, P., Timmons, M., & Siddle, J. (1997). Student teaching portfolios: A tool for promoting reflective practice. Journal Of Teacher Education, vol, 48(5), 345-357.
Cambridge, B. (2001). Electronic portfolios as knowledge builders. In A. Cambridge (Ed.),
Electronic portfolios: Emerging practices in student, faculty and institutional learning. New York: AAHE Publications.
Grant, G. E., & Huebner, T. A. (1998). The portfolio question: A powerful synthesis of the personal and professional. Teacher Education Quarterly, 25(1), 33-43.
Heath, M. (2003). Telling it like it is: Electronic portfolios for authentic professional development. Library Media Connection, 21(6), 38.
Hopper, T., & Sanford, K. (2004). Representing multiple perspectives of self-as-teacher: Integrated teacher education course and self-study. Teacher Education Quarterly, 31(2), 57-74.
Hopper, T., Sanford, K., Lauzon, L., Yeo, M., & Stogre, T. (2003). Enhancing professional development through integrated campus/field-based teacher education: Rekindling the passion for teaching. Paper presented at the CATE, CSSE, Halifax.
Lyons, N. (Ed.). (1998). With portfolio in hand: Validating the new teacher professionalism. New York: Teachers College Press.
Munby, H., Russell, T., & Martin, A. (2001). Teachers' knowledge and how it develops. In V. Richardson (Ed.), Handbook of research on teaching (4th ed., pp. 877-904).Washington, DC: American Educational Research Association.
Young, J. R. (2002). "e-portfolios" could give students a new sense of their accomplishments.
Chronicle of Higher Education, 48(26), 31-32.
Resources on educational issues
Aoki, T. T. (2005.). In Pinar W., Irwin R. L., (Eds.), Curriculum in a new key :The collected works of ted T. aoki. Mahwah, N.J.: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates Publishers,.
Ayers, W., Miller, J., & Miller, J. (1998). A light in dark times: Maxine Greene and the unfinished conversation. New York: Teachers College Press.
Ayers, W., & Schubert, W. H. (c1992.). Teacher lore :Learning from our own experience. New York ;: Longman.
Battiste, M. A. (2000.). Reclaiming indigenous voice and vision. Vancouver: UBC Press.
Battiste, M. A., & Barman, J.,. (c1995.). First Nations education in Canada: The circle unfolds.Vancouver: UBC Press.
Clandinin, D. J., Huber, J., Huber, M., Murphy, M.S., Pearce, M., Murray-Orr, A., & Steeves, P.(2006). Composing diverse identities: Narrative inquiries into the interwoven lives of children and teachers. London: Routledge.
Clandinin, D. J., & Connelly, F. M. (2000). Narrative inquiry: Experience and story in qualitative research. San Francisco, Calif.: Jossey-Bass.
Connelly, F. M., & Clandinin, D. J. (1988). Teachers as curriculum planners: Narratives of experience. New York: Teachers College Press.
Davis, B., & Sumara, D. J. (2006). Complexity and education : Inquiries into learning, teaching, and research. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
Delpit, L. D. (1995). Other people's children : Cultural conflict in the classroom. New York: New Press : Distributed by W.W. Norton.
Dewey, J. (1938). Experience and education. New York: Simon and Schuster Inc.
Dewey, J. (1966). Democracy and education : An introduction to the philosophy of education. New York: Free Press.
Fine, M. (c1992.). Disruptive voices :The possibilities of feminist research. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press.
hooks, B. (1994). Teaching to transgress: Education as the practice of freedom. New York: Routledge.
Huber, J., Murphy, M., & Clandinin, D. (2003). Creating communities of cultural imagination: Negotiating a curriculum of diversity. Curriculum Inquiry, 33(4), 343-362.
Huber, J. C.,Jean. (2002). Ethical Dilemmas in Relational Narrative Inquiry with Children.
Liston, D. P. (1991.). In Zeichner K. M. (Ed.), Teacher education and the social conditions of schooling. New York: Routledge.
Mirochnik, E., & Sherman, D. C.,. (c2002.). Passion and pedagogy :Relation, creation, and transformation in teaching. New York: P. Lang.
Paley, V. G. (1992). You can't say you can't play. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press.
Pinar, W. (c1998.). Curriculum:Toward new identities. New York: Garland Publ.
Reason, P., & Bradbury, H. (2001.). Handbook of action research :Participative inquiry and practice. London ;: SAGE.
Richardson, L. (1997). Fields of play: Constructing an academic life. New Brunswick, N.J.: Rutgers University Press.
Schwab, J. J. (1978.). The practical: Translation into curriculum. In I. Westbury, & N. J. Wilkof (Eds.), Science, curriculum, and liberal education: Selected essays [Science, curriculum, and liberal education : Selected essays] (pp. 365-383). Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
Sleeter, C. E. (2005). Un-standardizing curriculum : Multicultural teaching in the standardsbased classroom. New York: Teacher College Press.
Sleeter, C. E., & McLaren, P. (1995). Multicultural education, critical pedagogy, and the politics of difference. Albany: State University of New York Press.
St. Denis, D. V. Literature review on racism and the effects on aboriginal education. Ottawa, Ontario November 15/2002.:
Van Manen, M. (1990). Researching lived experience : Human science for an action sensitive pedagogy. London, Ont.: Althouse Press.
Woyshner, C. A., & Gelfond, H. S. (1998). Minding women: Reshaping the educational realm.
Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard Educational Review.

ECUR 991 eportfolio-1

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